Pests are a universal problem. However, when the problem gets too serious, you may have to consider hiring professional pest control services. With a range of pests like termites, bed bugs, bees, black ants, carpet beetles, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, Portuguese millipedes, rodents, silverfish, spiders, and wasps, you might want to think about having an expert for all kinds of pest control in Spearwood in your contacts list. It will help you in times of emergencies. For Spearwood residents, the best people to call would be Stewarts Pest Control. With our expertise and range of techniques, no pest can escape our clutches.
Call us today for a free quote!
We are best known for the following pest control services in Spearwood:
Termites are the number one enemies of Australian homes. They have been known to cause more damage than fires, floods, and storms combined. These insects can silently destroy your house and you won’t find out until it is too late. However, much of the damage can be minimized if you can detect the infestation on time. Professionals like us can quickly locate the infestation via a visual inspection. If we do find traces of the pest, we set up barrier treatments and baiting traps to lure and kill them. We then spray termiticides all over and set up monitoring stations to prevent future attacks. Our team helps make termite control in Spearwood as easy as possible.
Spiders are quite scary creatures. They are either big or hairy or venomous or all of these. You absolutely do not want to deal with them, let alone an entire colony. In most cases, you see webbing spiders, hunting spiders, or ground-dwelling spiders in infestations. No matter what species you are dealing with, you can call us to help you. For webbing and hunting spiders, we spray chemicals not only on all surfaces but in cracks and corners as well. For ground-dwelling ones, we usually locate their nest and spray on it directly. We may also use blanket spraying for serious cases.
Bed bugs can live in bedding, clothes, or any other fabric and suck the blood of anybody who uses the infested items. You may feel a constant itching sensation all over your body and even find blood spots. The best way to tackle these parasites is to wash the fabrics in hot water followed by steaming, vacuuming, and sunlight treatment. If the infestation is too serious, we can provide two treatment sessions for complete eradication.
Black ants are pesky insects that may not be harmful per se but they definitely destroy a lot of things, especially food, due to their sheer large numbers. Our team gets rid of them using insecticidal gel or dust application in cracks and crevices while spraying on open surfaces.
Carpet beetles are known to eat away at anything made of animal fibres. We deep clean the house, steam and vacuum the fabrics, and finish with insecticidal spraying on all the surfaces.
Cockroaches are one of the nastiest pests that could invade your home. They live in garbage and dirty places, spreading diseases and biting through things. We drive them away by residual spraying insecticides on all surfaces, internal and external.
Even though fleas are known to attack mostly animals, it is not unusual for them to choose humans as a host if there is a lack of animal hosts. They usually come from pets, even if it no longer lives on the premises. We vacuum the house and treat the contents of the cleaner as well as every open surface with insecticides. When your place is heavily infested by fleas, it is also advisable for you, your family, and your pets to get tested and treated for flea affliction.
Mosquitoes usually breed in stagnant water and spread a range of diseases. Our solution is to spray insecticides all around your property. It would also help to not let water stagnate anywhere on your premises..
We use a special catcher that utilises the attraction of Portuguese millipedes to light to capture them. Along with that, we use residual spraying to remove them. Since these pests are attracted to litter, we also advise you to prevent the accumulation of any in your garden.
Rats and mice spread diseases mostly through their bites. We use tamper-proof bait boxes that are safe for use in households with kids and pests. The bait we use is made from our own special formula for better results.
If you have ever noticed small, slithery, silver-grey insects crawling across your house, you might have a silverfish infestation. We can help you get rid of them by spraying insecticides everywhere, especially in dark and damp areas that these insects are attracted to.
Bees are not technically pests as they neither harm humans and animals nor do they damage property. So, we relocate them to our bee sanctuaries where they can keep helping to protect the ecological balance.
Wasps can cause painful stings and can even be a danger to life in many cases. We use nets, smoke, sprays, and other common methods to destroy their nests and remove them from the premises.
There can be no better choice for pest control in Spearwood than Stewarts Pest Control and here’s why:
Our business is owned and run by a local family. This helps us blend in with the community, understand their pest control requirements properly, and fulfil them without any room for complaint.
We were one of the first professional pest control companies in Spearwood, operating since 1954. Our knowledge and experience in the field are unmatched and now, our workmanship is too.
All resources we use are completely safe for the health of the residents as well as for the environment around the house.
All our tradesmen are fully licensed and certified. We have the necessary qualifications for providing top-class services every time.
We visit your home, inspect the property and give you a quote on the same day, free of charge. You can make better decisions with that information.
If you need quality pest and termite control services in Spearwood, Stewarts Pest Control is the answer.
Reach us for a free quote now.
We are a family-owned and operated business established in 1954. Being one of the first Pest Control companies in Perth WA, we have almost 70 years’ experience in the industry and pride ourselves on our knowledge, skill and most importantly, our old fashion service. When Phil Stewart founded the business, he knew of the importance of not only the job but the customer. Today we still have the honour of servicing those same customers 60 years...
Friendly & Knowledgeable Staff!
Pet & Animal-Friendly
Family Owned & Operated
We Were One of The First Pest Control Companies In WA!
- Image: 1980's
We Service Metro & Rural WA
Our Staff All Have There Full WA Pest Control Licences & Are All Police Cleared!
Phone Service: 24 Hours, 7 Days a week
for bookings and enquiries.
Head Office:
28 Military Rd,
Bellevue WA 6056